Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The beginning

Damn. Seems like everybody is doing it... so I might as well try. Blogging, that is. I used to be able to get on MySpace and blog every day... but now my work blocks it (among other really cool sites that help me piss away the day). So... here I will abide.

Name: Melissa
Alias: Elle McFierce and Girlm
Place: Houston, TX (Don't blame me, I voted for Kerry)
Age: Twenty fucking seven, and getting older by the minute
Likes: You. All of you. All the time. Art. Work. My dogs. My family. My friends. Comedy shows. Books. Movies.
Dislikes: Arguments. Stress. My tendency to worry too much. Overdraft fees. Bad drivers. Spicy food. Being cold.

I absolutely adore Reed's blogs (http://uglydog.blogspot.com/). I want to be an author one day... and need to start working on that skill. This is one place I can do that... for free. If he can get as good as he's got (say that ten times fast) then I have a shot.

I'm a single woman in a big city. I have a good job, my own place, car, and two dogs. I am taking classes at the local community college... night classes or online classes... working slowly towards a degree that I will be proud of. I'm working on my art, trying to find my own style and technique. I've been dating an amazing man, Chris, for about eight months.

Okay... this is the first blog, in hopefully a lot of blogs. I'm going to have to get over my fear of just laying it all out there. I want a record of my life, as well as the therapeutic release of writing and expressing myself.


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